Sometimes they bleat like sheep when I shave in the shower. They live in a complex social order. I know this because my barber informed me. He has established a small coalition of interested parties in freeing the Beard-Men. He refuses to be complicit in Beard-Men imprisonment.
When I asked him how they got into my chin, he said he'd have to get back to me.
Michael J. Solender writes a weekly Neighborhoods column for The Charlotte Observer and is a contributor to Charlotte ViewPoint. His micro-fiction and poetry have been featured online at Calliope Nerve, Danse Macabre, Dogzplot, The Legendary, Full of Crow, Outsider Writers Collective, Shoots & Vines, Six Sentences and over one dozen other venues. His short fiction piece, Inseparable Bond, will be featured in the upcoming print anthology, Harbinger*33. He is the Associate Editor for On The Wing, the non-fiction arm of Full of Crow, an online magazine. He blogs here: http://notfromhereareyou.blogspot.com/