The manager lurks in the doorway
puffing on a cigarette.
No customers move past him.
The stove grows cold,
the food grows old,
the waiters hulk near tables
captives of unused menus.
Soon the restaurant will close
when no one can afford to eat.
Gary Beck's chapbook 'Remembrance' was published by Origami Condom Press, 'The Conquest of Somalia' by Cervena Barva Press, and 'The Dance of Hate' by Calliope Nerve Media. He currently lives in New York City.
puffing on a cigarette.
No customers move past him.
The stove grows cold,
the food grows old,
the waiters hulk near tables
captives of unused menus.
Soon the restaurant will close
when no one can afford to eat.
Gary Beck's chapbook 'Remembrance' was published by Origami Condom Press, 'The Conquest of Somalia' by Cervena Barva Press, and 'The Dance of Hate' by Calliope Nerve Media. He currently lives in New York City.