You are a dinosaur.
A gigantic creature whose bones are fuel,
And who fundamentalist Christians
Do not believe existed.
I see you in my dreams.
You are enormous.
Bigger than the Argentinosaurus,
Bigger than The Beatles.
You make it hard to not sweat,
To not have my sheets stick to my skin.
You make it hard to not wonder
If maybe I should’ve taken that job
In Columbus,
And disappeared from the scene
Only to be unearthed by paleontologists
Millions of years from now.
Spencer Troxell lives in Cincinnati with his wife and two children. He
does all of his best thinking in the bathtub.
A gigantic creature whose bones are fuel,
And who fundamentalist Christians
Do not believe existed.
I see you in my dreams.
You are enormous.
Bigger than the Argentinosaurus,
Bigger than The Beatles.
You make it hard to not sweat,
To not have my sheets stick to my skin.
You make it hard to not wonder
If maybe I should’ve taken that job
In Columbus,
And disappeared from the scene
Only to be unearthed by paleontologists
Millions of years from now.
Spencer Troxell lives in Cincinnati with his wife and two children. He
does all of his best thinking in the bathtub.