Noisy birds only contribute
further to the clutter
of her parents’ bedroom.
Loneliness. Solitude.
It’s difficult to explain
the difference
if you have no French.
We grasp at each other
like doorbells,
emergency vehicles.
Afterward, I walk back
under the shrugging trees,
my heart startled worse
than a bashed-in headlight.
I should never have thrown
away the box it came in.
Howie Good, a journalism professor at the State University of New York at New Paltz, is the author of 12 poetry chapbooks, including most recently Visiting the Dead from Flutter Press, My Heart Draws a Rough Map from The Blue Hour Press, and Ghosts of Breath from Bedouin Books. He has been nominated four times for a Pushcart Prize and five times for the Best of the Net anthology. His first full-length book of poetry, Lovesick, was released in 2009 by Press Americana. He is co-editor of the online literary journal Left Hand Waving.