STORY: “The Thing About Magical Thinking” by Katrina Gray
Appearance Date: May 20, 2010
This is a tender, moving story about loss, love, and the lengths to which we will go to support our closest friends in their time of need that also happens to have a blow-up sex toy doll in it.
Favorite line: "She's fake, Carl."
Say these things don't matter and I would (mostly) agree with you, and call me a sexist if you will (and I wouldn't agree with you), but I also think it adds a layer of resonance that this story was written by a woman.
Katrina agreed, by the way. Bravo, Ms. Gray!
POEM: “Third Post Card from Iraq” by Sandra Benitez
Appearance Date: August 4, 2010
As I discussed with Sandra during her acceptance process, what I love about this poem isn't another poem about war that happens to have some birds in it, but a poem about birds that happens to have some war in it.
Congratulations, Katrina and Sandra. Your pieces were evidence that the grace and power of words can touch people and move hearts.
I will be contacting you to see where you would like me to send your gift card.
THE SNACKIES are a non-prestigious award given by the chief court jester and dishwasher here at LITSNACK. Based solely on his highly-subjective tastes, THE SNACKIES will be awarded roughly every six months, with one poem and one story being chosen for the preceding time period. Recipients will receive one $5 gift card to Starbucks in recognition of their fine skill and finesse with the English language in their chosen genre.